I finally got it nailed down...my hair regimen!! After about a month of research...I figured out what is going work for me to obtain healthy....(pause) long hair.:)
First, I set my goals:
1) work on the health and thickness of my hair
2) obtain healthy hair( no breakage!)
3) shoulder length, all the way around by May 2009, then push for Bra strap length for my 1st "hair-versary" (9/11/09)
So with that set, I got my plan of action, that so far, since September 11, 2008 has been working!
Shampoo(2x a week)(Tuesday and Saturday)
Pre-poo( 2x a week)
Deep Conditioner w/ heat( 2x a week)
Air-dry(99% of the time)
Co-Wash(1x a week)
Protein Treatment( 1x every two weeks)
Relaxer( 10-12 weeks)( currently 10/28/08...week 8)
Clarify( 1x a month)
Moisturize and Seal in sections (2x a day)
Dust every relaxer or when needed( since I'm fighting much breakage)
Drink plenty of water
Take supplements daily( currently Biotin, a multi-v,garlic...adding MSM soon.)
Protective Styles all the time!!!
I'm pretty sure I can reach my goals with my hair. I set goals when I wanted to strengthen and grow my nails and clear up my face and they worked. It just takes consistency and faith! I've never, ever have had long hair in my life. Even as a little girl, my hair was considered short in standards to my cousins and school mates. I've worn my hair natural, short, bald, braids, weaves, you name it( except color..I've only colored my hair twice in my whole life...). So I right now, I'm trying to make it work relaxed and healthy and by the looks of hair communities like K.I.S.S and Hairlista, it can happen!
pic: me, the back of my head after an air dry and a mini curly bun!( currently mid-neck length in the back, ear length in the front.)