DetangleMist:It's a leave in conditioner...nothing big and special about it. I applied it after washing out my Deep Conditioner and felt no difference.It smells like Joy dish detergent which turned my completely off. It boasts that is has "Grape Seed Oil" but that is the last ingredient listed, so it the least of the bunch included. I learned something in Chemistry 201 at the WU.:) But the plus contains Benzophenone-4, a sunscreen for your hair.Now, I learned that on Hairlicious!!!
NourishOil- I tried this as a pre-poo treatment. I wanted something that I could wear overnight then wash out on my wash day. Fail...Fail .Fail!!! The NourishOil made me hair hard and crunchy even after braved sleeping with a plastic cap on all night. Then ,I did two washes instead of one to get the moisture and softness restored. I was so freaking mad at NourishOil!!! After checking ELT website, she suggests using it also as a pre-conditioning treatment and even as a body oil... We'll see.
Any one used these or have any EL favorites?