Happy Birthday 1st Rural Glamour!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Wow!! I made it! From a girl who could not keep up with journal assignments in college to a blogger for a straight year...I'm so happy!!! I love this thing called Rural Glamour and I thank all of my readers who have supported me and gave great comments and showed mad love. This next year there are some sweet things on the way including a new layout, some new features, and of course, country-ass flavor!! As a gift to myself I purchased one the new mark. flip-it for Spring palette. I got Milan and can't wait to do a F.O.T.D. with it.
This a pic of my new calling card that my wonderfully talented friend and soror Ashlei made for me. It has the blog and MySpace address on it. You can check out on the myspace and send me a note to become a friend if you like...:)
Have a great weekend...I have a date( giggles...:))

Winthrop 74, Notre Dame 64

We are almost there...and it can happen...:)!!!