If you are Mother( doesn't matter,kids,dogs,cats...) or just a woman who loves her self and shows it too herself, help me with this...
So today I decided, while walking through Belk Westgate, that I would finally kick the bucket and buy the Lancome Color Design Pop Cherub Palette in Sweetie Pie. I had seen this palette sooooo many times in magazines and even passed by three different Lancome counters AND have picture of it in my LookBook. It's pretty and verstile and not $3, that decided to buy it. I felt no remorse and it ain't gon' back on my life. Matter fact, i washed my brushes tonight so I can freshly use it tomorrow. But the cloud on "buyer's remorse" wants my soul... Why can't Momma look good too? Shoot...Momma gon' look good...just like my Mom...who would hide new stuff she had bought for herself in the trunk of her car( still does...I know you do Ma.)$50, cash, all on a eye shadow palette. Look for a F.O.T.D soon.:)