Revamp Fall 2008: The Hair Continued...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been eight weeks since my last relaxer so you know the deal. Thursday nights are Do-Yo-Hair night!!

I'm addicted to the Coarse Hair Diaries. The divas over there have so much get advice on hair growth, maintenance, products. All week, I just took lots of notes so when I go to Beauty Supply( that's the name of the place in Union) I'll be ye prepared...

I want to make sure that I was kinda stocked up for at least three months or so:
Two empty bottles( for oil mixture for my hair)
Elasta QP DPR-II and H-Two( adding a leave conditioner for the fall and winter)
Elasta QP Design Foam
Ilora 100 % Olive Oil
Cocoa Butter Oil( I really need Coconut Oil though...)
Hollywood Beauty Sulfur Hair Treatment
ApHOGEE Intensive Keratin Reconstructor
ApHOGEE Gloss Therapy
I need a new conditioning or moisturizing( did you know there is a difference)shampoo and I'm going go full steam ahead...
Check this amazing and super inspirational you tube by Sunshine @ Hairlicious, Inc....
It's why I picked up the Elasta QP DPR-II and H-Two in the first place:)