"Not just Metropolian but Cosmopolitan..."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This morning I went to see Senator Hillary Clinton speak in the 'Burg at the Marriott. I just found out about yesterday in the Herald. But it was truly great...I'm totally sold!!

I got a real close seat. The program started at 9:30 and I was there at like 8:15, after a stop at Starbucks on Pine Street, of course:) That cutie of a police officer in the pic kept asking me for some of my breakfast!

Do I look political? No, I look like my mother in that pic sans eyeglasses.I got politics in my system though. I was Poli Sci minor at the WU and served on the WU SGA for three years as a senator and parliamentarian. I'm excited about the '08 elections...
A little bitty supporter! I sent the kids off to preschool. They would have showed out, seriously!
Senator Clinton. She was phenomenal and super genuine...
I got this close and got nervous. I said, "Hi, Hillary!!".She said,"Hello, young lady...Thanks for coming out..." People were getting her autograph and taking photos with her. I still stood there frozen...How cute.

One of the pastors that introduced her called her, "Not just metropolitan but Cosmopolitan..." She let out a big hearty laugh. :)

Check out the article already up on the www.goupstate.com on the event!
