Hope everyone is and will have a great Memorial Day Weekend. I'm just seriously kickin back reading,eating, writing, watching movies, laughing, trying to stay focus on a blessed life!!! My babies are in Charlotte so I'm by myself right now but I'm at my mother's and I plan on going home and making Nachos and watching The Devil Wears Prada. I kicked it at my one of favorite spots, Cafe Ishi and sipped on a Frozen White Chocolate Mocha and journal and blog brainstormed for couple hours. I'm in great mood for once!!! And I'm wearing my new Patrick Robinson for Target dress which I think I'm going order a black one just like. It's so comfy...I love it:) Well, I'm starving and I'll be back on Monday with Weekend Beauty and Fashion Observations!!! By the way go out and get the June 2007 W with Miss Naomi Campbell on the cover and her community service journal notes inside. I love her too:)
pic: www.style.com/W