Am I the only one who gets caught completely up on Amazon.com?
My today's haul:
Truth About Diamonds by Nicole Richie: I heard it was a fun read plus I think she's ridiculous anyway...
Fashion Victim:Our Love-Hate Relationship with Dressing,Shopping and the Cost of Style by Michelle Lee-I've wanted this book since I lived in Rock Hill and my second home was Books A Million. I hope its good.
Cosmopolitian Girls by Lyah Beth Leflore and Charlotte Burley- Okay Lyah Beth, I'm going to give it another try.
Complex Simplicity CD by Teedra Moses- Sounds good so far!
Tomorrow I will be a guest blogger on themakeupgirl while my darling Lianne is vacay-ing away. I'll link you to it tommorrow but please check out Glamourbee,Avin,and Ellen as we posts for themakeupgirl.