I dream of Paris... going there....just to shop at Parisian pharmacies, eat crepes, sight see, listen to French R&B and jazz....
I'll get there one day. I remember one of my good friends went to Paris on her honeymoon....I'm still 'wow'd' by her pictures and words when I think of it.
Last week, Total Beauty sent me YSL Parisienne ( pronounced Pa'ree' see' enne...I heard it pronounced a 'different' way so I wanted to see how its pronounced, I took Spanish not French:))
Parisenne's notes are blackberry, damask rose, and sandalwood. I totally agree with Mischo Beauty and that I smell the damask rose and blackberry but even after it dries down and wears a bit, there is no trace of sandalwood. I'm a woodsy scent kinda girl and I didn't catch the sandalwood. But I did noticed that it smells like another YSL fragrance....Baby Doll.
I wore Baby Doll for a year...2005. So I'm pretty familiar with the notes. Parisienne smells exactly like it. Even Baby Doll claims to have a cedarwood base...but it doesn't!!! lol!

But, overall, I enjoy wearing it. Its a light, day time scent( agreeing with Mischo Beauty again;))...perfect for work wear when want to smell good but not offensive. I think I lot of guys would like it on the ladies, too!