Family, You know I LOVE giving away free stuff, here's your chance to BOGO ( Buy One Get One) Free on me with Soy Spacasso!!
This PUMPKINPOSHSPICE Lip Spa Balm & Soy Radiance Whip set is so fantastic that I am going to give you a deal so that you can really indulge!
When you buy ANY (1) $10.00 SOY SPACASSO Lip Spa Balm & Soy Radiance Whip set in any flavor/scent, I will Gift you another one for FREE!!
You MUST be a follower of Rural Glamour to get this offer.
Just used RuralGlamOffer code at the checkout:)
Isn't that not a cool deal...two set for the price of one!!!
Make sure you come back and let me know you ordered!