Field Trip Review:Beauty Edition...
Friday, September 28, 2007

Field Trip Review:Fashion Edition...
I finally got to this almightly Steve and Barry's. It was okay. I was quickly drawn to the Bitten section which was half the front of store. But before I looked through SJP's creation...I rolled up on some badly needed jeans for 7.70. I admit, I only had two pair of jeans before, its a long story why, but now I got five. lol!
As you can see...this is all of what I got from the Bitten line. I tried on several pieces, but the fits were so wrong on me. Some women would let that get to them, but I spent my 20s worrying why something didn't fit me and fit someone else better. As Fashion Boy always said "It is what it is..." Moving on to what fits me. I will say to Sarah Jessica and design team tried. I like that she included plus sizes in the mix. But you CAN NOT take a size 2 pattern and copy it to a size 16 or 18 pattern and it fits right. Most big girls are not straight up and down. We got more curves than NASCAR. A lot of her pants and tops fit like that. It was like that took that same pattern and made it a big size and sewed it up and put it on hang and said "We go up size 22, pat me on the back!!!" or "here's our size XL!". Hopefuly in the seasons to come she'll revamp the largest sizes. Til' then I'll pass.
Goodies from my favorite one dollar jewelry store, This N That in Spartanburg. I actually put some stuff back and this is what I got. I stopped in there on way back home.

I wanted this one too. For jeans and a cute top. Hell, I'm 5 foot even. I love flats...
photos: My Personal Stash and www.ninewest.com