Okay... bullets yall'
-Kel-Kel( the youngest of the "set") has pneumonia. Like a "little", that's what the doctor said, in his left lung. He's doing really good but I will not start on when he got it( um, yall know about those "weekends" and "tuesdays") and where he was and "whom" he was with hours before I could got him to the doctor. AND who didn't take him take to the doctor. I'm done...I'm done...All I'm doing his taking care of him and his brother and their needs. If you got motherhood issues to use the comments sections to vent!! lol!
-I got a new position in my company and now I'm driving to a different store to train for it. I love it, too. Good to get out of Union for the day.
-I got a new phone( pic above) courtesy of Verizon's Free Phone Every Two Years Plan. Trying to be cute and got this LG Strawberry Chocolate phone that I kinda don't like now. I can't erase when I'm texting so people are just getting weird texts. If you know how( I looked in that Spanish dictionary they call a manual) hit me up in the comments.
-Did I miss the premiere of Girlfriends and The Game Monday?
-I need your opinions. I'm thinking about combining My other blog, Fatback and Sushi and this blog to make it a Food, Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle blog. What y'all think?
-I got some new hair. Like new extensions. Same texture( curly) but longer. I look like a short and fat Kelly Rowland. LOL!
-The SPBG library is holding their annual book sale October 26-27 2007 at the Cedar Springs Shopping Center. If you are in the area, its the bomb peeps. I got some Vintage Vogue and Mademoiselle there and some Versace Lookbooks.
-Got the new Rachel Zoe book, Style A to Zoe. I like it alot. I'm reading it like a novel though, engulfing each page. It's cute...go get it!!