Your Favorites MeMe
List what you like and pass it on…then the next person fills in their favorites and passes it on!!Go!!!
Lip gloss-That’s hard!! Becca Granita, MAC Viva Glam VI, Revlon SuperLustrous in Coffee Gleam…I could go on and on…
Jewelry-My Juicy Couture Charm Bracelet and my thin silver hoops my mom gave me four Christmases ago.
Shoes-Nine West,
Handbag- my knockoff Bronze Fendi Spy Bag
Car-2007 Jeep Commander
City-I really don’t have one…
Restaurant-Red Rock Café’
Body Lotion-Sharon Bolton Truth
Book-Sugar by Bernice McFadden
Department Store-Nordstrom, Belk
Department in the Department Store-Cosmetics, of course
TV Show- right now, Ugly Betty all time: The Cosby Show
Reality Show-Project Runway
Song-Love Ballad by LTD, Outstanding by Gap Band, Wait For Love by Luther”Luffa” Vandross
Body part on you-my eyes
Drink-Sweet ice tea
Perfume-Philosophy Amazing Grace
Ice Cream-Haagen Daas Dolce de Leche
Mascara-CoverGirl Lash Exact
Hair Product-Black Hair Gel!! And Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner
Nail Polish-none
List what you like and pass it on…then the next person fills in their favorites and passes it on!!Go!!!
Lip gloss-That’s hard!! Becca Granita, MAC Viva Glam VI, Revlon SuperLustrous in Coffee Gleam…I could go on and on…
Jewelry-My Juicy Couture Charm Bracelet and my thin silver hoops my mom gave me four Christmases ago.
Shoes-Nine West,
Handbag- my knockoff Bronze Fendi Spy Bag
Car-2007 Jeep Commander
City-I really don’t have one…
Restaurant-Red Rock Café’
Body Lotion-Sharon Bolton Truth
Book-Sugar by Bernice McFadden
Department Store-Nordstrom, Belk
Department in the Department Store-Cosmetics, of course
TV Show- right now, Ugly Betty all time: The Cosby Show
Reality Show-Project Runway
Song-Love Ballad by LTD, Outstanding by Gap Band, Wait For Love by Luther”Luffa” Vandross
Body part on you-my eyes
Drink-Sweet ice tea
Perfume-Philosophy Amazing Grace
Ice Cream-Haagen Daas Dolce de Leche
Mascara-CoverGirl Lash Exact
Hair Product-Black Hair Gel!! And Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner
Nail Polish-none