Friday Afternoon MeMe!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Your Favorites MeMe

List what you like and pass it on…then the next person fills in their favorites and passes it on!!Go!!!

Lip gloss-That’s hard!! Becca Granita, MAC Viva Glam VI, Revlon SuperLustrous in Coffee Gleam…I could go on and on…

Jewelry-My Juicy Couture Charm Bracelet and my thin silver hoops my mom gave me four Christmases ago.

Shoes-Nine West,

Handbag- my knockoff Bronze Fendi Spy Bag

Car-2007 Jeep Commander

City-I really don’t have one…

Restaurant-Red Rock Café’

Body Lotion-Sharon Bolton Truth

Book-Sugar by Bernice McFadden


Department Store-Nordstrom, Belk

Department in the Department Store-Cosmetics, of course

TV Show- right now, Ugly Betty all time: The Cosby Show

Reality Show-Project Runway

Song-Love Ballad by LTD, Outstanding by Gap Band, Wait For Love by Luther”Luffa” Vandross

Body part on you-my eyes

Drink-Sweet ice tea

Perfume-Philosophy Amazing Grace


Ice Cream-Haagen Daas Dolce de Leche

Mascara-CoverGirl Lash Exact

Hair Product-Black Hair Gel!! And Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner

Nail Polish-none

One Thing...

I only want one thing from Sephora's Holiday Gift Sets...Becca Hypnotise Set...

That's it...I'm in love!!!

$55 Set includes: A Line & Illuminate Pencil Mustique (bronze brown eyeliner/silver pink eyeshadow), Lip & Cheek Creme in Tuberose (fresh pink) and Geranium (muted red), JD Xantho (glimmering gold), and Glossy Lip Tint in Maraschino (sheer red).


How Yummy!! Big Girls Edition!

I consider myself a half- plus size girl. I wear a 44D bra and 16 pants and now I'm just getting into L and XL shirts after a year of XXL. But I can't wear a shirt out of Lane Bryant and most of the things in Torrid and Ashley Stewart are a little too big, even at the smallest size. I gained the majority of weight AFTER I had my children and moved back to Union. My eating habits were a mess plus I though need to lose weight because I thought that's what the "plaintiff" liked. Well, a year and half later and changed lifestyle and mind ,I became more accepting of my curves and how to dress them better. I love fashion and all because it comes in a size XS doesn't mean I don't think its cute. But I will not give up my weekly jaunt to Applebees' to be "skinty". I just want to be healthy, energetic and wearing size 14!!! Well my search for cute clothes for half-big girls I came across B& Lu, a very sweet plus size line. Above are some my wishlist items...