Well, the battle with my oily/combination skin has started. I had pretty good summer but now that wind is blowing and its still 90 degrees outside but goes into 50-60s at night, my face has taken ad interesting turn.:( Woe is me!!
Lily Organics graced me with their Oil-Free Skin Conditioning Serum to try. Its a moisturizer for Normal/Oil Skin, free of synthetic chemicals. When I mean free I mean, FREE. Its seriously natural...check out the ingredients:
(Vegan) Aloe vera gel, water herbal complex of seaweeds, purified water, vegetable glycerin, tincture of lily, certified organic chamomile, certified organic St. John’s wort, feverfew, certified organic calendula, certified organic comfrey, hops, certified organic horsetail, certified organic rosemary, arnica, xanthan gum, and citrus seed extract and essential oils
-I found it easy to put on and felt really great on my skin. Its a gel like consistency but doesn't dry taunt on the skin, it just soaks in. I used it more during my daytime routine and found that I wasn't as oily as quick as my usual moisturizer. It work well for the summer and I hope that it carry me into the fall and winter months just as well.
-Its so natural that it smells very "natural" like sea weed. lol! So if you are one of those "I must smell floral/berry or unscented people", this will initially bother you. But after it soaks in, you dont smell it at all, the scent dissipates.
-The price tag on a 2oz is $31.19. However you can buy a 1/4 oz trial size for $4.39 to see if it works for you. But to be honest, we spend wayyy more on that on an eye-shadow palette and this is skin care that will preserve your most valuable organ. Its worth the price:)
Visit Lily Organics Online, Twitter and Facebook....Let them know you discovered them on Rural Glamour Beauty:))