I have enlisted my soror and global travel muse/inspiration, Meredith of Around The World with Meredith, to give me her top five beauty products she takes on all her trips, like Japan, Jamaica, NYC, Dominican Republic, and most recently Key West Fla and Cozumel, Mexico.
#1- Moisturizers with SPF
(At the moment I use Equate Firming Moisturizers and Neurogena Ultra Mist SunBlock SPF 100)
#2- Mascara and Bronzer(or blush)
(At the moment I am using L'Oreal Extra Collagen in Black Waterproof and Black Radiance Golden Shimmer)

#3- Witch Hazel
( At the moment I use Beyond Belief Witch Hazel)
( that's Meredith as a Geisha in Japan! Check out her Japan posts on her blog:))
#4-- Baking soda: I love it b/c it is multi-purpose. After a day of bugs and birds on the safari in DR, a baking soda mask did the skin good. Not only did my skin feel smooth, but it relieves a few insect bites. Forgot to pack mouth wash? Gargle with baking soda. Ate too many Octopus balls and stomach is sour? Sip a little soda water( if you have Hypertension not a good idea).

#5-Water- In the past, I have packed every piece of makeup I've owned and only used the same 3 things. Reality is when I'm traveling, I want to be camera ready at all times with little to no effort. From laying on the beach all day and needing to stay hydrated to sampling greasy street food and needing a good "flushing out" water is essential. Water also minimize puffiness and swelling that make occur after a night out on the town.
Great products for a successful trip. All of the products Meredith brings are budget friendly and fab! Be sure to go ( RIGHT NOW) to check and follow her travel blog, Around The World With Meredith. Its filled with beautiful pictures, fun videos, and thoughtful commentary from the travel bug who has the bug for travel herself!
Thanks again, Soror Meredith XOXO!!
( these are all pictures property of Around the World with Meredith)