Sweet Delight Divas Launch New Site To Promote Indie Businesses: Sweet Delight Divalicious Sample Boxes
The founding Divas of SweetDelight.ca and editors of the popular Delightful Divas In Business blog are proud to announce the launch oftheir new sister site, Sweet Delight Divalicious Sample Boxes. This site offers a unique avenue of advertising for independent business owners, in Canada and the USA, and promises to be one of the most fun and effective bi-monthly promotional campaigns on the web today.
Best of all, it is free for e-tailers to participate. All you have to do is send in your samples and let the Divas take care of the rest. These boxes are filled with approximately 10-15 (sometimes more) sample-sized products and will be mailed directly to the front door of hundreds of consumers, who otherwise would never have known about your business.
The Sweet DelightDivas know the importance of good promotion and advertising and that is why they are committed to helping other entrepreneurs build their businesses, reach their goals, and get the recognition that they deserve. Sweet Delight Divalicious Sample Boxes cater to a targeted audience, which puts your products into the right hands and helps to drive more traffic and potential sales to your site.
Are you a trendy gal who loves to “try before you buy”? If so, then this box is definitely for you. You'll be able to sample unique handcrafted items, from a variety of contributing online businesses, before committing to the full sizes. How great is that! You'll receive sample-sized bath and body products, candles, jewelry, fashion accessories, and more. If it's glam, girly, and gorgeous.....it'll be be found in the Sweet DelightDivalicious Sample Box. Take one peek inside and you'll know why they call it “Divalicious”.Join the Divas for their debut in March '09!
There are many of companies already lined up to participate in the first-ever Sweet DelightDivalicious Sample Box.....and yes, boxes will be going fast! Promote independent businesses and be a part of the ever-growing “Diva-Movement”by purchasing a box or by being a contributor. Don't forget that when you buy a box, your name will be entered into a draw to win a sample box from the next campaign. Woot!This grand opening event is going to be huge!
So, don't miss out. For more information, please visit.... http://www.sweetdelight.ca/samples.htmlor http://delightfuldivasinbusiness.blogspot.com/ for news and updates.