This morning, I thought I would go for a "black eye", not "smokey" just black eyeliner and black shadow. I dug out Cover Girl's 1-kit eyeshadow in Black Tie from the Queen Collection. It's more dark grey than black but I patted it on with the brush for more intensity. I like it alot and it got me thinking about Cover Girl. Usually when I go in a drugstore or Target. I skip on by it, unless there is something new from the Queen Collection. I'll admit I'm not to keen on the packaging. You can't try most of it because its all sealed up. So I went on their website, which is very informative and fun.

These are some colors that the site selected for me after I signed up and included my skin coloring, hair color, eye color, and color palette:
From the left:
Eye Slicks in Glistening Gold
WetSlicks in Tangerine Splash
Outlast LipShine in Antique Rose
1-kit Shadow in Forever Fig
Perfect Point e/l in Grey Khaki
Boundless Color in Fuchsia Fatale
They look good on the screen but will the look good in person. I'll have a review later on!