Hi Everyone!! I hope that everyone has a great weekend! My Baby Kel is sick( the weather is a beast down here, he can't get well:( )so I'll be confined to the house nursing him to health. He will enjoy that, he's spoiled!
Also, everyone who is on their way to DC for the historical festivities or lived there already, be safe, have fun, keep warm!!! I have alot of family and friends who are either up there now or on the way soon.
Now to today's
Shopping My Stash! I love
Becca Cosmetics so much!!! I was first introduced to them by mistake. My dear friend Gabrielle( RIP Gab!! You are my angel-Diva) took to me a lingerie shop that was near
Potion, a great makeup store in Charlotte NC. I walked in and in 15 mins had bought over $200 of Becca( I was ballin' out of control back in the cut...).

I got each of these colors in a different Becca Gift Sets. They normally offer sets around Christmas and its the best way to get great pieces at a lower price. Becca is not cheap. Nor is the quality. They have foundations that fit the best of the brown girls!!!Fire people firrreeeee!!!
I found last night (from the left) eyeshadows in
Jacquard, Satin and loose powder in

Jacquard is on the lashline to mid lid, Satin mid-lid to the crease and Athena is highlighting the brow bone.

I love the natural look of the three. I never thought I could wear neutrals so light and pretty.:) Perfect for day.