I can't even believe I'm watching College Hill Interns on BET. I've been out of school for eight years this December. But I think college life is the best 4, 5,6, years of your life. Seriously, I DID college. I could probably write a flashback blog on life:WU 1995-1999. It was insanity. But, do watch CH Interns for that young cutie name Kasheef. And he is an ole' nasty Nupe...I love it!!
Plus intern Ivy( who's a Ivy, an AKA, how cute!) has a very cute blog on all the happenings on the show.
I was peeping through my momma's Spartanburg Herald newspaper when I came across a very fly article on 'Burg fashion by Jessica DeVault, one the Herald staffers.
Shall I exhale? Someone who love pop culture and fashion in the 'Burg? Love's it! Check out her blog and her webisodes!