I wore Baking A Cake on Saturday and I must say, I love the mixture of colors and neutrals. If you only get one or can only afford one of the Baked palettes... Baking A Cake is a must get. I see alot of different looks from this one compared to Baked Not Fried and Bake Off Contest...
I'm doing all the palettes with just the shadows and no liner because I really want to show how they look alone without liner or lashes. I am wearing primer though. They blend pretty well, too.
I like!!! Do you own Baking A Cake? Let me know:)....

I'm doing all the palettes with just the shadows and no liner because I really want to show how they look alone without liner or lashes. I am wearing primer though. They blend pretty well, too.
I like!!! Do you own Baking A Cake? Let me know:)....