I hope that everyone had great weekend...Its snowed here in South Carolina, then melted, then it was Valentine's Day. I went to Church to celebrate my love for the Lord and how much He loves me!!
This is my look for V-Day...I look red, right? I'm wearing Revlon Photo Ready Foundation in Cappachino....review coming this week.
On my way to pick up the boys, I stopped by Prime Outlets...to get some V-Day gifts for me.:) I doubt any man could buy me the perfect gift... even, I did have one boyfriend who was good at getting me great gifts, I wont' lie!

I got these goodies at the Bath & Body Works Outlet Store...All this was 11.87!!
Then off to the CCO! The goal was to buy myself a MAC 187 brush(which is 29.50 at the CCO compared to retail $42) But these buys were MUCH better value...

Holiday 2009 5 Sexpot mini pigments/glitter set( naked,sunnydaze,chocolate brown,reflects antique gold,dark soul) $22.95
Holiday 2007 Heirlooms:4 Face Brushes(168,190,184,187) $33.75