I know ya'll are thinking for someone who is always screaming broke, she sure does shop a lot. I'm not the outdoorsy mom who likes to romp in grass or go to park. I take my kids where I like to be, shopping in stores. And believe it or not, the boys like shopping, So today the fam and I traveled to the SPBG again this time to Marshalls to see if we could score some early Christmas things. Well, guess what was waiting for me AGAIN:
Kiehls Musk 19.99!!
I didn't get any though. Instead, I picked up Chocolovers by Aqualina for 9.99, same folks who make Pink Sugar. I've been through two bottles of Pink Sugar since it was introduced so I was excited to grab this up because I wanted it anyway. I was MUA one day and someone said they had found Chocolovers at Marshalls. I also scored Korres Vanilla Cinnamon Body Milk for 5.99. I don't know about everybody else's TJMaxx, Marshalls, or Ross but the Korres products are always the scents that didn't smell that great. I was very happy to pick this up also.
I will probably be back at these spots again after Thanksgiving. I'm the fool who likes the crowds every though I worked retail since I was 17.:)