I'm sorry I don't have a picture of the duo up with the L'Oreal H.I.P. in Platinum. But here's my E.O.T.D. done with just the duo, mascara, eye base( I use H.I.P. Cream Paint Eye Shadow in Commanding, works like a "cheap" charm) and BLACK EYELINER( lol!) in the waterline and the upper waterline.
I put this one at like 9:00 am and felt overdressed!! It's wayyyy toooo much for the middle of day( for me, of course). I was just running errands and washing clothes. I met a new friend for lunch and he thought I was very "I am ...Sasha Fierce".:) I told him was way more "Sasha Fierce "than "I am". Trust.

Platinum is a "hot to death" party/club eyeshadow! I tell ya, if i had somewhere to go with it on. I could kill em with a blink. Not alot of work with it either. But....there is a bad side.....
It creases. I actually tried this last week and it creased to hell in 30 mins. I said "The Enemy will not defeat me...I'll tried it again with an eye shadow base". Worked like a charm the second time.:)