On my next birthday instead of hating on my birthday, I'm going to make a wish:
Better weekends.
I swear I have the most stupid,boring,emotional,tired some weekends. What happen to its Friday and I can't wait to just chill and hangout and go on dates and shop with friends and roll in the grass with the kids and eat good grub and visit relatives and short church services? They don't exist. I can never get a satisfactory Friday,Saturday, and Sunday to save my life. Something(s) is always going to happen that's ridiculous, moody, bad, sad... You can see it's not my Monday.
Hope I didn't ruin any one's day. I hate when people ruin my day.
I did have TRY to have a good weekend. Here's a little scoop:
-I went to Marshalls Saturday night and found a Betsey Johnson watch for $7 and Betseyville by BJ handbag for $9.99.(above) They had tons of that Asquith and Somerset stuff.
-I got my Jillian Dempsey for Avon stuff order. It all looks so great. Can't wait for F.O.T. D. with it all.
-No mail came Saturday. I mean I keep seeing the new Allure and Jane and I haven't gotten mine. But I did get the new Vibe Vixen with Ms. Jackson on front @ Bi-Lo and the Tia's new book It Girls is really good. I haven't finished it but I like it so far.
- I went to Cafe Ishi and heard this great singer/flutist and her band play. It was only like six people in there but that chick performed like it was the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre out in Concord. It made my night a little better since Fashion Boy was having "issues". That's what I get for dating a Fashion Boy:(.
- I used up the last of Oyin Honey Hemp conditioner and now I don't want to order anymore because,IT TAKES TOO LONG TO GET IT. Damn!!
- I got on I-585/Pine Street heading out to 85 to go to Greenville only to change my mind at the exit. I'm never going to get to the MAc Counter that way.
-I got the keys to my new place AKA "my Granny's House". It still looks just like I remember it. I can't wait to get moved in.:)
- My 14 year old cousin Raven( who thought was 15...) told me she liked my hair. I felt like a popular girl had just asked me to join her and her friends at their lunch table. She's so funny and cute!
- The children got some MORE new shoes on Sunday. Then Kelton proceeded to tell me that, "I like shoes, mama, I really like shoes". And no, he hasn't met Fashion Boy!