How did a mascara ruin my day? Let me tell you....
I've been wanting to try Maybelline Lash Stiletto for the LONGEST. I actually bought it around Christmas time but put it in my mother's Christmas stocking as a mini gift. I kept asking her how she liked it and she never got back to me. Hmmm...that's should have told me something right there.
Then I messed around looking for the best deal on it...It ranges between 8.00-9.00 from CVS to Wal-Mart to Target. Finally, CVS, this week, has a Maybelline BOGO Free Sale...I had a $3 coupon off the new Dream Liquid Mousse Foundation( review to come!), so I copped foundation and the Lash Stiletto all for under $7.00. Sweet!
This morning, after a yummy breakfast, coffee, no bills in the mail, a Martha Stewart show about weddings, I slipped on my favorite jeans, a cute top and flats and went in the bathroom to apply a bit of makeup and then jet out the house...
Then my day was ruined...by Lash Stiletto.
It sucks...big time....
What was everyone talking about? "It's hot...It's the best ...It's number one in mascaras..."
-the brush is so large and kinda "prickly", it was hard to maneuver on my lashes.
-it smudges. I had to break out the makeup remover and Q-tips to clean up the mess
-it's just length...that's all...at least that's the truth. No volume, no separation, just length.
-and in the last hour...I found out it flakes.
-cute packaging
-formula is great. you don't get hard lashes and they are still pliable after drying.
I'm still messed up over this...but I'm a girl of second chances... Who bought Lash Stiletto and what did you think of it?
picture: www.maybelline.com
I know all about lash stiletto - tried a gazillion times to make it work. I put some pics of my trial and error on my blog, but I couldn't agree more with you. It is not worth the hype and all the sexy commercials.
in lash stiletto's defense, it doesn't claim to volumize or thicken. when i think of stilettos, i think long and skinny which is exactly what i got for my lashes. some of your other cons i didn't experience, so i can't agree with you there, but all in all, in my experience, it did exactly what i thought it would which is why i never go for lengthening mascaras. it's all about the volume baby!!!
Ha-ha too funny!
I'm sticking with my fave; Loreal Voluminous.... Using for 11 years, and I am never changing ever again,
It's the brush that makes a mascara,densely packed and more bristles,= = = more coverage.
MsBenz: I'll try it again...going to ck your reviews on it:)
Kia: Oh, agree it lenghtens..but skinny lashes are not my thing. I think I got sucked into the hype of another product...sigh the story of my life.:)
Deez Nails: Lucky girl! Never tried Voluminous...must put that on my list.lol! Agreed on the brush comment..formulas don't differentiate that much, its the brush that matters.
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