Here are some magazines I loved that are no longer with us. *sniff*
YM- as Kim would say, "I'm telling my age!"
Shop Etc.-Was this not a great magazine?!! I used to have some copies of it but I might have thrown them away.:(
Mirabella- Mirabella was delicious with its great articles and layouts....
Jane- a fresh take on young adult life as a woman.....
Suede- ***Church faints*** Lord take me now!!! I can't even talk about Suede without getting so EMOTIONAL.... Why they take it away from me!!! I'm like Vera on Meet The Browns about Suede, nah...
Mademoiselle- Gah, I loved Mademoiselle. It was like a tasteful Cosmo.
Sassy- For some reason I think Jane used to be Sassy before the name changed....My teenage life wrapped up in a subscription....

What" gone forever" magazines do you miss? **Grabs a tissue***
photos: Google Photos
I feel you about Suede. You are too funny, because Lord Take Me Now also reminds me Jada Pinkett Smith in Kingdom Come when she found out that her husband(Anthony Anderson) cheated on her with Bernice Talbert, played by Kellita Smith(i think that is her name). LOL!
NO YOU DID NOT PULL OUT YM!!!! *Sigh* memories. Man that takes me back. LOL that makes me feel kind of old.
Awww....YM was one of my first mags, my mom secured the subscription...I sooo remember Jennifer Connelly being on the cover...
Loved Shop!!!! Got it as a pioneer customer because of my subscription to some other mag...
I miss Honey...more for the women of color cosmetics suggestions, you didn't have to wonder if they were geared towards "us"
To me the online version doesn't get it so it might as well be defunct...I'm a Mag Hag...I need to touch, sticky note my pages...pull them out and put them in a folder...LOL
I loved Sassy. I remember my mom randomly ordering it because I already read Young Miss (YM) and Teen. (Remember that one?)
glossandsticks- Yes, that is her line in Kingdom Come. I need to find that movie for my corny movie collection! lol
Tami- I loved YM too! We are telling our age! lol
Allegra Cole- I totally forgot about Honey. I got some old copies of Honey at the house. we must be kin, I'm a mag hag too. I must smell the glossy paper and read it over and over again and rip out the pages....
Danielle- They STILL print Teen. Yes, you can still buy that thing. lol
I had subscriptions to YM and Sassy in high school. I needed a healing when Suede went kaput. I was ready to fly to NY & demand a meeting with the somebody, lol. And when Mirabella went away I was sick. Great post J!!!!
yeh i miss suede and that's the one issue i have and holding on to! omg.. totally forgot about madamoiselle! and ym!! wow.
Kim- I'm the same way with mags. Thanks for your help too, chica! muah!
kia- Suede was just awesome. point blank.
YM!!!!!! I am only 23 but I remember being 10/11 reading my sisters YMs. My favorite part was the embarrassing moments. I miss that mag sooo much. Suede and Jane as well :(
OMG! I thought I was the only black girl that read Sassy,Jane and YM! Those were the days!
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