Have you seen these? Its a new line of
Sally Hansen HD polishes. I think they came out with some before but I just saw these at my CVS and grabbed
DVD. To me, it had the most personally of the collection. The other colors in this collex looked "Done". **Shrugs**
This is three coats....DVD just didn't get me what I needed, what I expected.... I guess I expected what the bottle looked like, as you can see.

But, then I walked outside and my nails just came to life! The color spectrum in the sun was nuts!!!
Stop playing with me, DVD...damn! lol!
I feel the same way, it needs three GOOD coats or you have V.N.L., and i regret paying 6.49 for it. Its just not pigmented enough to cover the nail line, and then you go outside and it blinds you..hilarious!
i agree!! i was gonna post about this but i did my polish in a rush and it was horrendous! but i still wore it cuz the blinding prism of it made me not mind the terrible paint job. i still think i'll post and link you with the polish done right! ha!
Jackie-DVD plays games....lol!
kia-my polish always looks a mess...shows my amateur manicuring skills.lol Can't wait to see your post.:)
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