Week One

Week Four

Week Eight

Week Twelve
( week twelve was taken in a different location with different lighting but you can see the results)Pros:
-It works...with a little patience. Its not a overnight deal but I got results.
-unscented, great texture, soaked right into my skin
-wears well under moisturizer. I didn't become anymore oily than I was when I added this
-I ran out at week 10. I mean it was empty and I didn't buy a new one. I wasn't heavy handed ( I know how conserve product, especially when I'm broke! lol!).
It worked on me! I couldn't believe it, really. This is the first dark spot corrector I've used in my adult life. I thought that my acne scars were just part of my journey. Like 'war' scars because I've been thru some battles! lol! Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector is going to require patience and diligence. You have to use it twice a day to get the results. Read the directions. Use a sunscreen. I approve this product!
Yay! I bought some based on your week four results! Of course, I haven't used it. :)
I saw that on your haul post. Stop procrastinating and get on it Ms. Micki!!
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