DIY Face Scrub - Only TWO Ingredients Needed!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hey Everyone!

I'm back with another skin DIY! This time, it's a very simple face scrub that has blown my mind with its effectiveness. And you only need TWO ingredients!! 

 What you will need:
-Baking Soda
-Scrubbing brush (optional). Your hands work good as well.
 I used about a tablespoon( I eyeballed it) in my clean hand of baking soda....
 Then, I allowed the water from the faucet to slowly stream into my hand to make a paste with the baking soda. If you want to measure it, maybe a teaspoon of water. You want the baking soda and water to make a paste texture.
 I applied the paste all over my face. O_O.
 Then, I used my Olay Scrubbing Brush. Now this step is optional. I scrub my face once a week with a scrub and Olay Brush. I like an intense scrub and my skin can take it. However, you can use your fingers to scrub for a less intense scrub. I love my Olay Brush! Its the main reason I don't have a Clarisonic because honestly, it works perfectly for me.

When I or you have felt that your skin is exfoiliated to your liking, rinse scrub off well. Your skin will feel so smooth!
The morning after I DIY Scrub and  DIY Mask, my skin feels like butter!!

If you are not sure about the effect this scrub may have on your skin, please consult a doctor. I'm not a professional esthetician, dermatologist or medical doctor. Just a beauty addict.:)