Dear Bey,
Hey girl! I just writing you to let you know a couple of things. I wrote Tasia' AKA Fantasia a letter too so its all love.
1) That Dangerously In Love album got a girl through some "thangs" for real! I mean you wrote Me Myself and I just for me. I used to cry up I-77 going to work listening to that CD.
2) You are a powerhouse of fashion. A chica got a two House of Dereon bags. But as big as you hips are its time to make some big girl's things. The dollars will come flying in. At least from me and my BFF Shea-Shea.
3) I love how you and Hov keep your stuff on the low. That's some real grown folks situations.But ya'll fell off on that Lost Ones/Ring The Alarm BS.
4)Alas I couldn't warm up to B'day. But Green Light is the jam with those horn section breaks.I started back listening to Dangarously In Love. Stick to sexy R&B,Ballad love stuff.
5) Only you can wear eyeshadow that matches your dress.You are my hero.
6)Do you even wear flats? Anthropologie got some fab,fab, fab ones, ma.
7)I'm proud of you in Dreamgirls.You went some places dramatically but you're still learning.
8) I like the Deena Jones and the Dreams One Night Only version better than Effie's. I'm partial to Disco music anyway.
9) Can you give me a roundabout figure on how many wigs you own?
10)Bey,I'm a real serious fan of yours. I want you win at what you do. Therefore its okay to HUMAN. My grandmother used to say, "if every fool wore a crown,then we would all be kings"(Welsh proverb).
11) And the fashion tip again, why have you never been on the cover of Lucky? I mean Ashanti has...what's up with that?
PS-Every time you do a color story for L'oreal,I buy every LE piece. Keep rocking!
pic: www.beyonceworld.net
yay! i love me some beyonce too!
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