N.O.T.D: N.Y.C. Charming Rose Creme...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hey couzins!

Sorry I've been missing in action. Diva had a stomach virus from hell then, no appetite, now I feel okay physically but being sick at the stomach scared me to death. Am I not eating right?Is there something wrong inside? So a mini depression ensued with all that worrying. I GOT TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT. Damn.( sorry) Just when I started to not give a damn again.

There was nothing pretty about me in the last four days. I did scrounge up some energy for church and the kids wore me out yesterday. But before they got up yesterday morning, I did a quickie mani/pedi in N.Y.C. Charming Rose Creme that I picked up a couple of weeks ago at Rite-Aid. I still call it "Edkerdzzz".

Ready steady for the Fall, I tell ya.
