Wet N' Wild Mega Eyes Creme Eyeliner in Eggplant is quite interesting. First, it looks black in the package and you know how WnW wraps their stuff up. You need a hand saw to get in it!
I almost chunked the brush but then it felt good in the my hand so a took a chance.

Here's a very close up swatch...
The texture is very gel like and light in the application. It took about three lines on top of lines to get a deep color on my eye. Then it looks wet. But surprise!!! It dries up and still looks uneven in color. Dang( trying to work on my horrible use of profanity). I wasted 3.99. I'm mad. But I'm a girl of second chances...and getting my money's worth... so I MIGHT try it again. Someday.
no return factor? it will go back in a heart beat, but for some wasting the gas isnt' worth it. darn. after i got the loreal hip stuff i didn't get the wet n wild or jane gel/cream liners.. how many do i need? they all come in the same colors! blah! LOL!
lol! I threw way the packaging.If I had kept it, yep, it would have went back...
I've been looking for this for weeks, but I can't find it near me.
I've heard nothing but good stuff about the black - except it was really black, so I was planning on getting the eggplant.
It's a beautiful color, it's too bad it doesn't apply evenly.
I guess I'll stick with the black now if I can even find it.
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