Fresh Coat: Orly La Playa....
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dollar Tree "Bumpit" Knockoff: High On Hair.....

RGB Beauty Flashback....Nair.....
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ah, I do remember this commerical! My mom had some Nair but she didn't use it much. I remember it smelled like a rotten egg!
I love beauty flashbacks....times in beauty that take us. Enjoy! More to come!
Fresh Coat: Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine in Flash....
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Rural Glamour: L'Oreal .H.I.P. Studio Secrets Matte Eye Shadow Duo in Poppy.....
Monday, May 24, 2010
Review: Hana Elite Professional Flat Iron....
Of the hundreds of flat irons available in the market you can categorize them down to Titanium (or other metals), Metal Alloy Coated in Ceramic, 100% Ceramic. 100% Ceramic is the only material that will generate results better than Titanium while also providing the highest level of hair damage protection.
The Hana Elite Flat Iron is 100% true, solid ceramic. This means it will never peel or chip to expose hair to damaging metal - it also means Hana can include large ceramic heaters that cover the entire plates for the best possible heat distribution and retention. As the pros know, the secret to ceramic hair straightening is in the ceramic technology itself - and Hana focuses on bringing you the best flat iron money can buy. (Compare to the other pure ceramic flat irons on the market today.)
The Hana Elite is now available in a new 1.5" model for thicker/longer hair types - the FIRST and ONLY pure ceramic plate flat iron in the world to be available in a wide plate size!
- 100% Solid Ceramic Plates Never Peel or Degrade
- Tourmaline infused into the heating elements for maximum thermal protection
- Large Integrated Ceramic Heaters with Full Plate Coverage for the Most Consistent, Conditioning Far Infrared Heat Possible
- Ceramic is naturally hygienic, protects color & retards fading
- Unique black ceramic plates won't discolor with use of products or hair dyes
- Adjustable Temperature Dial - 5 Settings from 140-450° F for All Hair Types
- Flash Heats in Seconds with Instant Compensation for Heat Loss
- Safe to use on Damp to Dry Hair
- Beveled Edges mean Easy Curled, Flipped, Spiked or Straight Styles
- Ergonomic Handle Design with No-Slip Grip
- Smooth Grooves Keep Hair Strands Separate and Snag-Free
- Sleek luxury matte finish
- Tangle-Free Salon Quality Cord Swivels 360°; Convenient Hanging Loop
- Energy Efficient at 38 Watts
- Independent On/Off Switch
- Includes Luxe Heat Proof Storage Pouch, Heat Proof Silicone Mat, & Special Edition Tin Case
- Two Year Warranty
Review:Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector....Four Week Update
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rural Glamour: My Nude Lip Look/ Recipe....

Rural Glamour Real Talk: Part Two....
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
And I'm back.Part Two of FAQ and comments to me on Facebook...Enjoy!
3) “I wish I could go natural, but I have this kind of job… my parents won’t like it that… men won’t like me….”
Jamie: I’ve actually have had these kind of conversations.
Being chemical free is a emotional choice. I think its because a lot of women with relaxers literally haven’t seen their natural texture in years and it’s a scary thought. “How does my hair really look?
I got my first relaxer at nine. I wanted a Jheri Curl but my mom had a juicy, fresh one and she said couldn’t afford two Curls. So I got a kiddie perm instead. It wasn’t til I was a sophomore in college in 1996 did I see my natural hair in ten years. Remember, this wasn’t the age of Natural Hair Shows, Carol’s Daughter, Hair Forums, or You Tube Gurus, so it wasn’t super popular. My mother hated it, my sorors thought I was nuts, and my friends were not to into it either.
Reverting back to who we were can be scary. Hair is emotional. I suggest before you make any decisions, pray or meditate on what’s good for your soul and hair. Can you live without the creamy crack? Are ready to embrace the good and the bad reactions to your decision? It is that DEEP. After you have received your answer and if is to go natural, research options to getting there, whether its ‘transitioning’ or going all the way and big chopping it all off. I’ve been natural about four times on and off since 1996, each time for a different reason. This is the only time, right now, I felt like the decision was from my soul and that I love what I did.
As far as parents go, we all have different relationships with them. Some of us care if that they are happy with our appearance and that is okay. I used to be like that but I couldn't’ make them happy if I tried. I was wasting my time and MY life living for my parents’ visual expectations of me. With my mom, the more she hates something I do with my personal look, the more I want to do it! Lol!
Friends, well, if they are so shallow to not support your decision to go natural, they were not your friends in the first place. Womp. As we grow as people, real relationship will true and genuine people will make you life better.
Job? The best answer I have is that if you is USE YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT. I've always had jobs wear I can wear my hair as a please but some people don't have to that luxury. You are there to get paid and not make a statement no matter where you work, unless its from home. My mother used rant and rave about my hair " You'll never get a job with that 'fro or locks". But she's from a different generation and that's another post. If you like the lifestyle that your job provides you, then do what you gotta do. I'm not a natural hair"nazi", so if staying relaxed because you work at BOA uptown and you are "thousandaire" then do what you got to do to keep your paper, boo-boo.
Last but not least, men. Take it from your girl, I lack of no male attention. I still get male attention with a wig, weave, bald, afro, braids…I guess because I possess a little 'more' than just my hair. There are men, who are gorgeous, who only like women with long hair or real hair. Respectfully, that’s their preference. I prefer straight teeth, no exceptions. That’s ONE of my preferences. But a real man will want you regardless of your last relaxer. When I wear my hair ‘out’, I get WAY more attention from genuine men than when I’m wearing a wig. That’s a good thing. I like real men.
My Top Four Red Lip Glosses and How to Pick A Red Lip Gloss...

Rural Glamour Real Talk: Facebook F.A.Qs and Comments....
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Among my family and friends it is a known fact that if you are not ready for the truth don’t ask Jamie.
I get a lot remarks, mostly positive on my Facebook page, the personal one and the RGB Fan Page that I need to address…In my opinion that is. I’m not a cosmetologist (just yetJ) or a medical doctor, I’m just a Diva who loves beauty. I’m in my element when I do the work of Rural Glamour.
Let’s get down the business of answers questions and comments…
1) “Your makeup is Fabulous! I wish I can do that….” Or “You need to teach me how to do that”
Jamie: You can. It’s called practice. Some people have a natural talent for application and some don’t. I really didn’t for awhile, I was just winging till I figured out I didn’t know how to do technical stuff, like shading, blending and contouring. I didn’t own the right brushes or know how to pick my foundation. So I started to do the research. First, beauty books from the library and bookstore, then the internet, and my saving grace of You Tube. You Tube and their makeup gurus literally taught me how to do makeup. You CAN do this. Research and practice will get you there. I don’t do makeup tutorials on looks mainly because I’m still perfecting my craft and learning. Do what I did, go on You Tube.
2) “Why don’t you do makeup professionally”?
Jamie: I’ve had a lot of sour experiences that have turned me off. I’ve had people ask me to do specific events but didn’t want to pay me what I asked to be paid which was WAY below most professionals in larger cities or at a counter. Some didn’t want to pay at all.I still to this day get asked to do makeup but when I quote a price, I don’t get the work. I do good work and I’m not going to downgrade the price because you don’t want to pay what I ask. Most of the requests are family and friends who know me and that’s what hurts. So I don’t do pro work. And don’t think I haven’t paid my dues by doing free work, I have. Plus, I’ve grown in my technique and I do even better work than in the past and deserved to be paid the asking price.
More F.A.Qs and Comment coming up tomorrow:) Later!
The "Golden Ticket": $1off Cover Girl Queen Collection coupon in Essence....
Monday, May 10, 2010

Cleared Up...Review: Nubian Heritage Black Soap....
Friday, May 07, 2010

Rural Glamour: L.A.Colors 6 Colors Eye Shadow in Eye Candy....

Diary of Nouveau Nappyhead: New Wig....Urban Beauty F/X1155....
Tuesday, May 04, 2010