Happy Monday!!
So here are the beauty happenings of the weekend!:
I got my
BeautyFix box that I won via a giveaway from

Here are the goodies...I was playing all weekend long! I will probably review some of it:)

Won this contest:) I found it on one of those promotion pages in July 2009 Lucky Magazine....Its for a
Wet N' Wild package worth
$50( which has got to be ALOT of WnW lol!) All I did was take a picture of a display of the glosses on my phone, text it in and they sent my a text saying I won. Then I had to text my info and stuff. Those 'beauty promotions' work...

Been sporting this wild,fluffy, curly, faux afro hair for about two weeks. I'm 9 weeks post and my buns look rough with all that new grow so I switched to this...

Sunday, Spencie made me a necklace out of green construction paper...Amazing isn't? Lol!! Very avant-garde in the length.:)