Weekend Rantings and Ravings...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sale! Sale!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ring the Alarm! Rural Glamour Fashion Po-Po II
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Happy Belated Earth Day!!! Raves and Wishes
Monday, April 23, 2007

I love this place!! Divas On Main....
Friday, April 20, 2007

Ring the Alarm! Rural Glamour Fashion Po-Po

Review:The Ivory Magnolia...

WWD'd out!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I decided for would have a Iced Chai Latte for lunch. Don't ask me why...I know that ain't a meal but I wanted to go Jason's Deli but in true Spartanburg fashion, it was packed like all the restaurants are in Spbg@ lunch. I mean, does anyone bring their lunch to work up here? Obviously not. Even Wendy's drive through is a serious wait. I finished ranting.:) Well, I went to B&N for the Sunday New York Times with Beauty Mag with Paula Patton on the front. After I got it, I pick up all of these WWD mags. I have learned that I only buy magazines out of B&N that I can't find in Union. No Elle, Essence, Life and Style...all those are at Wal-Hell and CVS. So hopefully tonight, after I have settled the Bams in, I can to reading!!!
PS...I've already "flipped" through the WWD Beauty...pick it up...It has a SERIOUS Spring beauty lay out! Crazy Ya'll!
My cheap a$$...:) part II
What I'm using now...
Monday, April 16, 2007
I love this show!

photo: www.stylenetwork.com
Weekend Rantings and Ravings...
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Headaches and New Bronzer...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
My cheap a$$...:)
Fashion/Beauty Soundtrack of the Week!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday'sFashion/Beauty Observations...
I also apologize for this blurry pic of a recent Target haul. Nothing special. I just picked up some more cG Queen Collection e/s in Down to Earth and Copper Penny. I also grabbed some of the new Boots Botanics line goodies. In the pic, there's Soothing Eye Makeup Remover and Purifying Face Scrub. I don't do alot switching when it come to my face. I basically stick to the "formula". But I'm always on the search for a good eye makeup remover since do major layers of mascara. The scrub, well, I love my Lumene scrub but thought I would switch up. I'll give reviews later!
I got this t-shirt at the Super Wal-Hell down at Hillcrest. I love it! It's so funny. I got on today with a grey ON tank and my beloved green ON cargo pants/capris/shorts.
So I get an email from Sephora about their Mother's Day offerings. I going to do a makeup overhaul of my mom's stuff. She got lip sticks and eye shadows that are way too old and she puts her foundation on with a Q-tip! She getting new brushes whether she likes it or not! Well I also see the even popular Blockbuster palette that MUA raved and ranted and completely obsessed about til it was sold out. I'm not impressed. Anyone got one? Tell me why or why not you like it.
This week I'm going to do the first annual Rural Glamour Contest!. A beauty trivia! I'll have ten questions and I'll pick the first person who emails me all ten right and they will get a brand new beauty prize. I'll post a pic of all of the loot and question on tomorrow!!!!!I'm excited...plus I'm moving and I have major amounts of unused fantastic stuff that I don't feel like Ebaying or swapping. See...lack of focus.:)
Tarte Skin-vigorating F.O.T.D.!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Face: Tarte Sunburst Beaded Bronzing Lotion- I was scared at first, the beads looked as if they would exfoliate my face and didn't want that. But as I applied it, they disappeared! I loved that it moisturized and gave me a burst of color.
Tarte Clean State Face Primer- You know, this came in the nick of time! I just realized that my Smashbox Primer was on its last leg( it looked as if it was drying up(?)).
Cheeks:Tarte Bronze Goddess Cheek Stain
Tarte Powder Bronzer in Hotel Heiress- I applied this in my T-zone. Ain't I bold! But this bronzer is so looked over. Its one of those bronzers with more bronze less shimmer.
Eyes: Tarte e/s duo in Kamalame Cay- I love green eyeshadow!
Lights Camera Lashes Mascara in Black
Milani Easy Brow in Dark Brown
Lips: cG Smoothers in Mocha Mist
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Jillian Dempsey for Avon F.O.T.D.
Fashion Soundtrack of the Week!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This week's Fashion Soundtrack is Brandy Afrodisiac. I found this while rambling through my cds Saturday and it instantly made me feel so much better. My favorite songs are Focus and I Tried. I Tried, was MY theme song back in 2005, girls.:)
Up the road...

Today I had an appointment in Greenville and after it was over, I took the exit down to the One and the Only, Whole Foods! I know,some of you lucky ass broads have Whole Foods like in your front yard but um, dude, I've got only Bi-Lo and we are in a rural town. Imagine the organic selection...now you see my point. Anyway, I strolled around, tasted grapes and cherries, wine, and cheese. I bought gigantic cupcakes for the boys and yummy veggie sushi and freshly made hommus for me. I also picked up our Ulta and Hand Picked across the street on Woodruff Road.
So, I go Ulta. Maybe its just that Ulta on Woodruff Rd but for the second time I was not very impressed. Now they did have the whole Rimmel line, with stuff I've never seen before. I picked up Rimmel Kiss Off in First Time. And they one the best selections of Essie I've ever seen. I was tempted to follow the crowd and get Mademoiselle or Pink Slippers but instead I got Boat House. I'm wearing this color Sunday for Easter with my white linen sundress my mother bought me the other day. Its her way of getting me to church. I also saw With Love by Hillary Duff Roll On Perfume for $25. I was tempted but I have couple of deluxe spray samples of this that would probably add up to this, so I passed. I flipped around the fragrances and found nothing I was excited about. I sniffed the new Incanto Shine which smelled just like Incanto Dream. I hope they are not turning into Escada. Any fragrance ho knows that all those Island Kiss and Passion Paradise and Ibiza Hippie and stuff all smell the same.
Glad to be back home, where my April Jane mag was awaiting me. Too bad I read it in the office I was sitting in this morning.:(
Clutch Magazine!!!
Monday, April 02, 2007