I'll be back on Friday...Today was one of those days... Let's list the bad and good!
Bad-Well, you know every 28 days... and I was cold in that store and my manager wouldn't let me put on my hoodie because there were "corporate" peeps down from Salisbury for inventory. Whatev. You let me wear it any other day!! That dang Le Lion!
Bad-Then my appetite is null. Between those 28 days and being on budget., I don't know what to eat!
Bad-Lemming magazines, makeup, Sephora OPI nail polish, Ojon hair stuff, a Ipod but I got bills and two children who are turning 4 on next Monday. So, Boo to me...
Bad-I miss my cable. I turned it off til' I get my budget right. My electric bill is killing me.
Bad-I didn't see my "dimpled sunshine" today. He didn't have to come because of the inventory in the store. *sigh*
The Good- The weather is turning cool. It was 72 degrees today!
Good- God is good!!!
Good-Even though I got mad financial things to take care of I got paid today. So the blessing employment is beautiful.
Good-My aunt Maxine sent me a pair of Nike Shox. I haven't had a real pair of sneakers since 1999. I take pic and ya'll give me some suggestions on what to rock...
Going eating now...:)
picture: Spencer @ 4mths...I think...